What are the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence?


(AI)*Blooger By BINIAM YIBALEH ቢንያም: ይባልህ  < ~ ~ ~  press 
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  * Intelligence does not have intuition as a person.Artificial Intelligence will never create a genius 
music, like a person. And what we now see in reality:there is more of the Intelligent Intelligence, the more 
the degradation of the human brain, which of course is the creator of the Intelligent Intelligence. 
Thus, Artificial Intelligence will never do what a person could do. And we really should never 
overestimate the possibilities of the Intelligent Intelligence.

* There is nothing like artificial intelligence. Intelligence is nothing but to use our mind & 
brain in the direction for which we needed.It is thru intelligence we find the individuals
of various categories who are making our society & life interesting & also 
sometime inspiring in our action in our life.


The Future Of Work: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform The Employee Experience

Daniel Paterson,

2th Dec, 2017
Tatsuo Tabata
Osaka Prefecture University

To say simply, the advantages of artificial intelligence (AI) would be achieving what is too difficult for human beings and doing tedious things in place of human beings. The disadvantage of AI would be the possibility of making human beings rather idle.

4th Apr, 2018
Arvind Singh
Banaras Hindu University

Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans, Its main advantages include:
  • reduces human involvement in selected jobs,
  • minimal or no errors,
  • advantageous in medical field; and
  • decision making cannot be influenced
The main disadvantages of artificial intelligence include:
  • cannot fully replace humans
  • creates unemployment in certain sectors
  • cost involved is too much; and
  • can do more bad than good.
7th Jul, 2019
Claire Su-Yeon Park
Center for Econometric Optimization in the Nursing Workforce

"The Google DeepMind has developed the ‘AI Ophthalmologist,’ which can diagnose complicated eye diseases in real time (within 30 seconds) (Fauw et al., 2018; see Figure 1) and is currently undergoing commercialization. In the arena of pathology, AI has already shown its potential for cancer detection in differentiating from the precancerous lesion through an improved grading of tumors based on machine learning technology in breast, lung, prostate, and stomach cancers (Niazi, Parwani, & Gurcan, 2019; Chang et al., 2019)." ...

"Accordingly, there is a growing sense of debate that medical AI could cause human doctors to lose their jobs (Lee, 2019). Since the doctoral function that can be replaced by AI is mainly limited to diagnoses at this stage, the opinion that doctors who make good use of AI would have a better chance of surviving seems to be a likely outcome (Lee, 2019). However, a considerable adjustment to the healthcare workforce also seems to be inevitable because healthcare institutions will continue to secure a competitive advantage through an AI’s economic efficiency in the fast-paced healthcare industry, even though ethical debates related to commercial exploitation of such technological advances continues (Lee, 2019). It may be safe to say that a re-allocation of human resources is preordained in the AI-integrated healthcare system."

5th May, 2019
Dmytro Leshchenko
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence:

1. Error Reduction:

2. Difficult Exploration:

3. Daily Application:

4. Medical Applications:

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence:

1. High Cost:

2. No Improvement with Experience:

3. No Original Creativity:


12th Dec, 2017
Brity Alisha Majhi, PGDM from New Delhi Institute of Management
Artificial intelligence is an area of computer science that highlights the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. It induces perception, speech recognition, decision making and translation of languages. This technology is used in every field of computer science, psychology, biology, math, engineering, science, etc. AI is a stream which pushes the generation towards the next generation revolution. It contains a lot of information, with the help of innovation and applications it makes life easier.

There are four different approaches to explore they are:

  • Thinking humanly
  • Thinking rationally
  • Acting humanly
  • Acting rationally

Here, the first two ideas concern thought processes and reasoning, while the others deal with behavior.


  1. Less chances of errors
  2. Correct decision making
  3. Continuously process
  4. Easy learning process


  1. Expensive
  2. Replace human
  3. Making human lazy
  4. Dependency on machine                                                                                    

12th Dec, 2017
Yuji Kohno
Yokohama National University

In the future, artificial intelligence will be used in all sectors of society to greatly change the lives of mankind. However, if it comes to playing an important role in decision-making organizations of the core society of society, it may be a repetition of a rather tedious history for mankind. Because artificial intelligence is made up of huge historical data until the system is constructed.
