By~ Biniam Yibaleh: BBC News Africa United Nations CNN Voice of America - VOA Human Rights Watch BBC News Afrique ** PEACE MUST BE ANCHORED BY LAW & BY THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE. ** ** PEACE needs to be effective and constructive: responsibility, trust and dialogue. These three vectors define a connecting space of human values. * There is no a partial PEACE. * For PEACE, everyone can contribute to the fact that conflicts worldwide are resolved more peacefully. * PEACE can NEVER be used through manipulation & violence instead of dialogue. * PEACE can only succeed if the profound violence in societies is overcome. * To use all PEACEFUL means to resolve conflicts of any kind; * PEACE: Means permanent security and freedom must be protected by the government and guaranteed to the people. * PEACE needs community and the quality of the leadership. * PEACE to renounce violence & to :- - to agree on, comply with contractual regulations for securing PEACE. - to pay close attention to PEACE education in the family, the society and at the educational institutions. * PEACE: It's NOT just about peace as the absence of WAR. It is about POSITIVE peace that has social and transformative JUSTICE for all mankind. * PEACE is not a state of nature, it is a requirement of all human reason. Great efforts are required for peace between individuals, peoples and towards nature. * Don't just take PEACE as a matter of course, but be critical, inform ourselves and fight for it. * PEACE presupposes a democratic system in which justice prevails and human rights are protected. * In principle, PEACE is attainable. It is based on each and individual basic values. * PEACE takes Courage. A handout for all men who want to make peace today, tomorrow and forever. * PEACE needs a culture that is based on historical values. * PEACE is also a global imperative that affects everyday life worldwide. * PEACE, it is not about suppressing conflict, but rather preventing a violent escalation. * PEACE policy therefore means eliminating the causes of strife. * PEACE is a culture that gives us the permission to think, feel and act for ourselves & the societies. * PEACE needs authentic access to all mankind on this earth. Peace is based on basic values. * PEACE, however, also needs a high degree of attentiveness for crossing borders, for assignments that allow others to do violence. * Everlasting PEACE means: Perceive conflicts in good time and deal with them constructively. #BinIAM #Yibaleh #peace #world #Ethiopia #google #freedom #Twitter #youtube #facebook #Africa #Frieden #Europe #watch #Tigray #warzone #humanity #humanrights #UnitedNations Tigray media house The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia #UnitedNationsSecurityCouncil #AfricanUnion #EuropeanUnion
